Data Protection – What do you do with Customer Data?

We ask customers for only a minimum amount of data (that is: name, address and contact details), to enable us to send customer orders. And that’s it; we don’t sell this information, share it with any third parties or use it for marketing unless you have asked us to contact you.

We do, however, like to keep in touch with our customers, so we invite you to follow us on facebook for occasional updates on new stuff!   facebook

Viewpoint Productions is registered with the UK governments’s Information Commissioner’s Office.

Is purchasing on this site secure?

All web purchases are via PayPal. We never ask for credit/ debit card details or see this information ever.


Does Viewpoint Productions take on commissions?

We do – all aspects of programme production from budgeting and pre-production through to shooting, scripting, editing and final delivery. Click Services for details. We’re always happy to help so, please  email or call if you have a project you would like to discuss, however large or small.


How much is delivery for online shop items?

Delivery charges are automatically calculated at the Check Out stage according to where in the world an item is being sent. This is based on Royal Mail charges and protective packaging. For example, currently this is £1.60 for a DVD posted to an address in the UK.


Can I pay by cheque or postal/money order?

We accept payment by post, but for security reasons we process credit and debit cards only via PayPal through this site. If you would like to pay by cheque please contact us for details. Our main number is: 023 8084 1113 or by email through   CONTACT 


What is the difference between PAL and NTSC format?

Different parts of the world have different video formats. Disks may look the same but won’t necessarily play successfully if they aren’t the appropriate format. Broadly speaking the UK, Australia and most of Europe use PAL format; the United States, Canada and Japan use NTSC.


How are the DVDs packaged?

We usually use AMARAY or similar top quality library cases for DVD products. They are recognised worldwide as among the best available.


Can we buy products to re-sell in our shop?

Yes. We offer trade discount to retailers and those buying in bulk for groups and societies. Please contact us by email or ‘phone for full details.


I have some old film footage and wondered if it could be of interest?

Old footage shouldn’t be disposed of without checking its content. What might seem quite mundane may have great intrinsic value. If you have footage you think could be of interest we’d like to hear from you.  We can also advise how to store it or put you in contact with a regional public archive.

Beware of old 35mm NITRATE film stock. It can self-combust and is lethal. Be exceptionally careful in handling this material as it can become very unstable. On no account send it through the post or regular courier services and never store it at home!